This year at Kenmont, we are excited to offer 30 minute small group swimming lessons in three 2-week sessions for the membership. Lessons are for everyone (not restricted to swim team members) and are run through Tollefson Swimming.
Registration is open! Please download the PDF for complete details and the registration form. Do not send any forms by regular mail.
Kenmont sessions:
2-week sessions of eight half-hour (30 minute) classes (IN WATER ONLY)
All classes are Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday. Weather makeups are offered the 2nd Wednesday of each session if
Session One June 19 – June 30 ($220) Between 11:00 and noon
Session Two
July 3 – July 14 except July 4 ($200) Between 11:00 and noon
Session Three
July 17 – July 28 ($220) Between 11:00 and noon
Tollefson takes credit card payments online or by calling the Tollefson office at 301-949-5136 or you may mail a check (see address below). Fees are due with registration to secure your swimmer’s spot in a class. You may always reach out to Giuliana Gigliotti (her contact information is below) with any questions. Please see the registration form for detailed information about programs and registration information for each location. After the location descriptions, please be sure to read the summer session policies and reminders. This contains important information to be aware of before registering. You may register for more than one session or class if you wish.
Policies & Reminders
Contact for Questions
Giuliana Gigliotti
Address for Sending Payment by Check
Do not send registration form by mail, only send by email.
Tollefson Swimming
P.O. Box 291
Garrett Park, Md. 20896
Dan Mueller
George Humbert
Andy Fraser
Evan Dintaman
The Warshaw Family
(Answered during pool hours if the gate guards aren't too busy. Do not leave voicemail, email the Board of Directors.)
All Rights Reserved | Kensington Heights Recreation Asssociation, Inc. t/a Kenmont Swim & Tennnis Club