Kenmont Swim & Tennis Club Rules & Regulations
These rules and regulations do not contemplate every possible situation or scenario. The primary purpose is to provide the membership and their guests with guidance regarding appropriate behavior and conduct to ensure a safe and enjoyable membership experience.
- Management (which includes designated Board Members) reserves the right to regulate any behavior or conduct deemed dangerous, inappropriate, disruptive or otherwise outside the expected norms of the Kenmont community.
- Failure to follow these rules and regulations may result in corrective action, including being asked to leave the facility and – in the most serious circumstances – the suspension or loss of membership without recourse.
Admission to the Facility
- All members and their guests must check in at the guard shack.
- Members must be active, paid in full for the season.
- Guests must be accompanied by a member who is a minimum of 13 years or older, and use a Guest Pass which can be purchased in advance online. Members under 15 may have a maximum of two guests at a time.
- Children 12 years of age or younger must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible person 15 years of age or older.
- Access to and use of any part of the facility is during posted hours only.
Safety & Health Rules
- All members and their guests must follow directions of the lifeguards and management staff.
- No glass bottles or containers anywhere on Kenmont property.
- No running, horseplay, or ball throwing in or around the pool or in the clubhouse.
- No eating or drinking on the pool deck, except for water in plastic containers.
- Members are responsible for cleaning and picking up after themselves.
- Smoking is not permitted in or around the pool facilities. Generally, smoking shall be restricted to the parking lot.
- Skateboards, bicycles, scooters and inline skates are not allowed.
- Please shower before entering the pool.
- People with infections or open sores should not enter the pool.
- First-aid and emergency procedures will be directed by the lifeguards.
- Inclement weather may require evacuation of the pool and deck.
- Children who are not toilet trained must wear rubber pants and swim diapers.
- “Adult Swim” time is reserved for those 15 years of age and older.
- Use of any and all parts of the Kenmont facility is at your own risk.
Restricted Use of Electronic Devices
- The use of any electronic device – including cell phones – that is deemed by management or the staff disruptive to the overall use and enjoyment of Kenmont shall be prohibited. The primary purpose of this rule is to ensure members use headphones or other similar accessories with their electronic devices to avoid disturbing their fellow members. If it can be heard by others, it is presumptively disruptive.
- No pictures, videos, audios or similar recordings shall be made in the restrooms.
Main Pool and Diving Well Rules
- Diving is allowed only in the diving well.
- One person at a time on the diving board. The diving board may be mounted only when diving well is empty.
- No backward jumping or diving from the deck into the pool.
- Only one bounce is permitted on the diving board; no running dives.
- Non-life saving flotation devices are allowed only during Raft Night hours.
- Any raft or flotation device may be removed by a lifeguard at any time for any reason.
- The use of the water-basketball hoop may be regulated by management and the lifeguards to include prohibiting its use.
- The use of any pool toys – including water pistols – shall be strictly regulated.
Wading Pool Rules
- Use of the wading pool is restricted to children 6 years of age and younger.
- All children must at all times be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult.
- Children who are not toilet trained must wear rubber pants and swim diapers. No exceptions.
Lap Pool Rules
- Use of the lap pool is restricted to swimming laps.
- Swimmers must share lanes designated as lap lanes, with the slowest swimmer in the lane setting the pace.
- Lifeguards reserve the right to move swimmers.
Tennis/Pickleball Court Rules
- The tennis and pickleball courts are not playgrounds. They are to be used for tennis and pickleball only and management reserves the right to regulate or prohibit certain uses outside of these.
- Specific rules are posted on the courts.
Clubhouse Rules
- No running; floors may be slippery.
- Please dry off before entering the clubhouse.
- The use of the ping-pong and foosball table, and any pool-owned equipment, paddles or balls, may be regulated by management and the lifeguards. Members who borrow pool-owned equipment are responsible for any damage.
- Children 6 and under should be accompanied by an adult in the locker rooms.
- Access to the guard shack, loft, offices, pump rooms, and kitchen is restricted.
Use of the Pantry and Kitchen
- The pantry and kitchen area and its appliances is not intended for general daily use by the membership.
- Use of the pantry and kitchen area and its appliances is restricted to prior sanctioned and approved events, e.g., swim team meets, Crab Feast, etc., and shall be regulated by management.
- Notwithstanding this standing prohibition, members may use the pantry and kitchen area and appliances for certain limited and minimally burdensome purposes. For example, occasional use of the refrigerator/freezer to store a birthday cake, or filling a water bottle with ice is appropriate. Keeping leftovers, storing a week’s worth of hotdogs or filling a cooler with ice are examples of inappropriate use.
- Members are responsible for cleaning up after any use of the kitchen.
- Any items left after closing for the day may be thrown away or moved to the “Lost and Found.”
Birthday Parties/Group Events
- Reservations are required for birthday parties or other group events with more than 5 outside attendees and members must read and abide by the rules specified for parties.
Learn more.
Lost and Found
- All items of an apparent value left behind after the pool closes for the day will usually be moved to the “Lost and Found” – located in the clubhouse – for retrieval.
- The Lost and Found is maintained as a benefit for the membership and at the discretion of management. Members and guests assume the risks and responsibilities for any abandoned or forgotten items.
- Management will periodically sort and dispose of lost and found items.
Revised June 2024