Membership FAQs
Members not in good standing (meaning those who didn't pay to remain active or to become inactive in the prior season) must email with your request as soon as possible.
You will have to pay any outstanding fees and there is no guarantee that a space will be available for this season.
We usually start contacting prospective members from the waiting list via email in March to gauge interest. Once we offer you a membership you will have 2 days to accept or decline.
Members in good standing with a full membership interest may sell their membership to another family or request that the board repurchase it. There is a one-time transfer fee of $500 that is paid to the board for transfer. A board purchase results in a $400 refund to the member. You negotiate with the buyer how you wish to arrange how much each party pays. There is NO additional initiation fee for members who receive the transfered membership. Learn more and find the forms to complete your transfer or repurchase requests.
Please email with your questions as soon as possible. Please note, we may not be able to accomodate requests received after the registration deadline.
Season dues for renewing active members who wish to stay active or become inactive are due by March 19, 2025.
Late fees apply after that, and after April 3, 2025 you are not guaranteed an active membership for the season.
You needed to register as inactive and pay the $150 (decreased for 2025 due to the current uncertainty around federal and contractor jobs) per year inactive fee by the end of the current season's re-registration deadline. (See the FAQ above titled "When do we need to pay our dues?")
You may only be inactive for 5 seasons, without attempting to re-activate your membership. After 5 years of inactive membership without attempting to re-activate your membership by paying to re-register before the deadline for registration ends, you membership will be forfeited. See next FAQ for reactivation information.
If you have paid your inactive fees for past seasons, you may request to become active for the the upcoming season by contacting to tell us about your interest in becoming active.
If space becomes available, we will contact you and at that time your account settings will be updated to allow you to pay your active summer dues. If space is not available, you will be required to pay the inactive fee for the upcoming season to remain in good standing.
If we have not reached the 400 family limit, you will be able to register and you will be assessed a late fee.
If we have reached the 400 family limit you will not be able to register as an active member for this season. To remain a member in good standing you will be required to register as an inactive member for the season and the following season if space is available you will be able to re-activate your membership prior to new families joining from the waitlist.
Please contact immediately.
Renewal of your registration for active or inactive status usually opens in mid-February. The deadline to register with no late fees is March 19. April 3 is the last date to guarantee an active summer membership. See the Membership page for the complete timeline.
People on the waitlist will begin to be offered membership registration as soon as spaces become available. Inactive members in good standing will be offered the opportunity to reactive their membership before waitlist members are contacted.
If you've never logged in or forgotten your password to our membership system, go to and in the login window, click the link at the bottom to retrieve Username and Password.
You will need to enter the email address of the main account holder.
General FAQs
Guests passes are $8 for a single pass and $65 for a 10-pack. See how many you have and purchase them ahead of time on MemberSplash.
You'll need to login to MemberSplash. If you haven't logged in before, or if you forgot your password, click on the link on the login window to retrieve your password. You'll need to enter the email address of the main member.
Once logged in, go to the Payments dropdown and choose Make a Payment.
Find the guest passes in the list of available items and select the quantity you want to purchase. Click Next.
Review your items, enter your credit card information and complete your purchase.
We are no longer issuing key tags. We will be asking for your name at the guard gate and will identify you and your family members by the photos you upload to MemberSplash.
Learn how to add photos for each family member in MemberSplash.
All items of an apparent value left behind after the club closes for the day will usually be moved to the “Lost and Found” area – located in the clubhouse.
The Lost and Found is maintained as a benefit for the membership and at the discretion of the volunteer board. Members and guests assume the risks and responsibilities for any abandoned or forgotten items.
Periodically during the season volunteers will sort and dispose of lost and found items. Towels will be donated to local animal shelters and rescues, so know that your lost towel will be helping a dog or cat if you don't retrieve it in time.
Yes! We have an online reservation system for the tennis and pickleball courts built into our MemberSplash site.
Once you've logged in look for the Reservations dropdown and select Make Reservation.
If you are reserving a single pickleball court, please check to see if someone else has reserved one already, and if so, please reserve on the same court, e.g. if someone has reserved 1A, please reserve 1B, so others can reserve for tennis on 2A and 2B.
Pickleball nets can be checked out from the gate guards. Please set them up carefully, instructions are available in the bag and via a YouTube video here:
Reservations for birthday parties or other group events on the club grounds are free for members and must be made at least one week in advance and may be made no more than 6 weeks in advance.
There are two party reservations per 3-hour time slot. One can accomodate up to 15, the other up to 25. These limits include all attendees, including the party hosts, guests who are members and guests who are not. Even children under 3 count toward the head count, however they do not need to pay a guest fee.
Learn more about our party policies and submit a reservation request.
Learn more about paid reservations for the clubhouse in the off season.
We provide the grills and propane in the picnic area. There are also grilling tools in the picnic area or in the pantry in the clubhouse.
Grill Info and Etiquette:
Nope! We need to keep the pool deck clean to cut down on rodents and insects that might end up in the pool or underfoot. Please only eat and drink in the picnic area or in the clubhouse. And remember: NO GLASS CONTAINERS!
They aren't anymore! Please use our reservation system (see FAQ above) to reserve anytime between 8am and 10pm all year long! (Times may be adjusted if there are complaints from neighbors - please don't play pickleball after 9pm on weeknights.)
Lifeguards, gate guards, and onsite pool managers are hired by our pool management company for each summer season. Information about how and when to apply is sent out by email to our email list. The application period typically opens in early January.
Dan Mueller
George Humbert
Andy Fraser
Evan Dintaman
The Warshaw Family
(Answered during pool hours if the gate guards aren't too busy. Do not leave voicemail, email the Board of Directors.)
All Rights Reserved | Kensington Heights Recreation Asssociation, Inc. t/a Kenmont Swim & Tennnis Club