In addition to swimming and swim team, Kenmont has a number of additional sporting activities including:
The tennis, pickleball and basketball courts were open to members under a pilot program from 8am - 10pm during the entire summer season in 2024. Access to the courts outside of regular club hours requires a fob or phone app, which can be requested from the Board of Directors via email. In addition, we are piloting use of the courts by members during swim meets. Please restrict your activities to the court areas only during meets.
For an additional fee, you and your household members can use the courts in the Fall-Spring when the pools, picnic and playground areas are closed. Learn more.
Dan Mueller
George Humbert
Andy Fraser
Evan Dintaman
The Warshaw Family
(Answered during pool hours if the gate guards aren't too busy. Do not leave voicemail, email the Board of Directors.)
All Rights Reserved | Kensington Heights Recreation Asssociation, Inc. t/a Kenmont Swim & Tennnis Club