There is now a pickleball net! It's on wheels and can easily be moved on and off the tennis courts. The wheels are easy to lock and unlock, so if it isn't moving easily, unlock all the wheels! There are 4 pickleball paddes and balls in the new storage box on the courts! Please get out there and play. There are no lines yet, but it's still fun to hit the ball back and forth, or bring chalk and draw your own until the final lines are painted! To learn more, join the new tennis and pickleball email list and reserve a court, go to the new Pickleball page!
Dan Mueller
George Humbert
Andy Fraser
Evan Dintaman
The Warshaw Family
(Answered during pool hours if the gate guards aren't too busy. Do not leave voicemail, email the Board of Directors.)
All Rights Reserved | Kensington Heights Recreation Asssociation, Inc. t/a Kenmont Swim & Tennnis Club