Volunteer Abuse Policy
1. Introduction At Kensington Heights Recreation Association (Kenmont Swim & Tennis Club), we are committed to fostering a recreational environment that is respectful, inclusive, and free from all forms of abuse. This policy outlines our zero-tolerance stance towards any behavior that constitutes abuse, harassment, or discrimination against our volunteers.
2. Scope This policy applies to all volunteers, contractors, vendors, clients, and visitors interacting within the premises of Kensington Heights Recreation Association (Kenmont Swim & Tennis Club) or engaging in club-related activities outside the premises.
3. Definition of Abuse Abuse encompasses any behavior that causes harm, distress, or discomfort to another individual, including but not limited to:
4. Reporting Procedure Volunteers who experience or witness any form of abuse are encouraged to report it immediately to the Board of Directors via email at board@kenmont.com. Reports can be made verbally or in writing, and confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent possible.
5. Investigation Process Upon receiving a report of abuse, Kensington Heights Recreation Association (Kenmont Swim & Tennis Club) will conduct a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation. The investigation may involve interviews with the parties involved, collection of evidence, and consultation with relevant witnesses. Both the accuser and the accused will be afforded equal opportunity to present their side of the story.
6. Consequences of Abuse If the investigation substantiates allegations of abuse, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the perpetrator, which may include:
7. Support for Victims Kensington Heights Recreation Association (Kenmont Swim & Tennis Club) is committed to providing support and assistance to volunteers who have been subjected to abuse. This may include access to counseling services, temporary suspension of duties, or any other reasonable accommodation to ensure their well-being.
8. Non-Retaliation Retaliation against individuals who report abuse in good faith or participate in investigations is strictly prohibited. Any retaliation will be treated as a separate violation of club policy and may result in disciplinary action.
9. Training and Awareness All volunteers will receive training on recognizing and preventing abuse in the recreational environment. Additionally, this policy will be communicated regularly through volunteer handbooks, orientation sessions, and other internal channels to ensure awareness and compliance.
10. Review and Revision This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with legal requirements. Any necessary revisions will be made in consultation with relevant stakeholders and communicated to all volunteers.
11. Compliance Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of volunteer status and loss of mebership.
By adhering to this policy, we reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive recreational environment for all volunteers and participants of Kensington Heights Recreation Association (Kenmont Swim & Tennis Club).
Dan Mueller
George Humbert
Andy Fraser
Evan Dintaman
The Warshaw Family
(Answered during pool hours if the gate guards aren't too busy. Do not leave voicemail, email the Board of Directors.)
All Rights Reserved | Kensington Heights Recreation Asssociation, Inc. t/a Kenmont Swim & Tennnis Club