A popular, longstanding tradition, on Teen Nights Kenmont closes at 7pm to the wider membership so that our teens can have a fun evening snacking, hanging out, and enjoying the pool with their peers (plus lifeguards and adult volunteers).
Recognizing that some kids have their 13th birthdays later in the summer or fall, we define “teens” for this event as rising 8th graders and up.
We need some adult members to help make this event happen.
membership@kenmont.com to volunteer. Below are some of the opportunities!
Spread the word among the teens you know, and raise your hand to volunteer if you can!
Dan Mueller
George Humbert
Andy Fraser
Evan Dintaman
The Warshaw Family
(Answered during pool hours if the gate guards aren't too busy. Do not leave voicemail, email the Board of Directors.)
All Rights Reserved | Kensington Heights Recreation Asssociation, Inc. t/a Kenmont Swim & Tennnis Club