With over 41 people signed up to play in the First Annual 4th of July Pickleball Tournament, we knew we were in for a great day of pickleball and it didn't disappoint. The morning started at 9am with a free lesson for newbies and rusty players with Coach Brad Paleg. The first group of adults played from 10 - noon, followed by a second group of adults from noon - 2pm, along with a group of about a dozen kids! The winners of the morning adult bracket played the winners of the afternoon adult bracket in a final that attracted lots of fans looking down from the new retaining wall in the picnic area.
It was brutally hot and humid on the sunny court, but in the end Team Angerer-Gehman defeated Team Johnson in a hard fought match! But in truth, everyone who came out and played was a winner in our eyes and we are looking forward to continuing to build up pickleball at Kenmont.
If you haven't already, be sure to join the Kenmont Pickleball email list and the more active Kenmont WhatsApp group. Info on how to do that is on the Kenmont Pickleball page. Kenmont played in an interclub league last Fall and Spring and co-captains Marg Brennan and David Karp are looking to have an A and B team for this Fall's league, so sign up for the email and/or WhatsApp group to stay in the know!
Lessons and clinics for adults and kids are planned for this summer starting soon with Coach Brad. Keep an eye out for communications about those!
A few photos of the tournament are below. More photos can be viewed on the Pickleball photo album.
Jonathan Angerer and Andrea Gehman won the adult bracket!
A re-purposed Pinewood Derby trophy and a plastic cow were the trophies awarded to the adult and child winning teams. They will return each year!
Marg considers what a glue gun could do to make this trophy more pickleball appropriate
A custom-made Kenmont pickleball tote bag. Cry your eyes out you NPR tote bag lovers!
Some of the more than 40 participants!
1st and 2nd place teams with their prizes. Congrats to Andrea and Jonathan (1st) and Naomi and David (2nd)!
Dan Mueller
George Humbert
Andy Fraser
Evan Dintaman
The Warshaw Family
(Answered during pool hours if the gate guards aren't too busy. Do not leave voicemail, email the Board of Directors.)
All Rights Reserved | Kensington Heights Recreation Asssociation, Inc. t/a Kenmont Swim & Tennnis Club