We invite all members to review the graphs and charts that summarize the 2023 Kenmont Swim and Tennis Club Annual Survey results. Spoiler alert: Kenmont is a great place to be a member!
Among the 139 responses from 400 member families, there are a lot of great ideas and feedback for the board and you to think about and work on in 2024 and beyond. Remember to consider joining the board and volunteering your time for committees, events and more. The Capital Improvement Committee is open to all members and if you took the survey, you know we are considering some important changes that you can influence. We are a member run pool. Your voice matters.
Please feel free to send your feedback anytime on things like safety issues and cleanliness, no need to wait for the end of the season to tell us the bathrooms could use some attention! Just use the website contact form or send an email to board@kenmont.com.
A summary of comments is also available for review. Warning: A lot of you had a lot of things to say, so it's a long document!
Dan Mueller
George Humbert
Andy Fraser
Evan Dintaman
The Warshaw Family
(Answered during pool hours if the gate guards aren't too busy. Do not leave voicemail, email the Board of Directors.)
All Rights Reserved | Kensington Heights Recreation Asssociation, Inc. t/a Kenmont Swim & Tennnis Club